Sissy Spacek

Mary Elizabeth Spacek
December 25, 1949
Quitman, Texas
75 years and 96 days
5’ 3” (1.6 m)
Internet Movie Database (IMDb)

Academy Award Nominations (Winner marker =  winner  ):
Actress in a Leading Role. Sissy Spacek in Carrie, Redbank Films Production; United Artists.
Winner markerActress in a Leading Role. Sissy Spacek in Coal Miner’s Daughter, Bernard Schwartz-Universal Pictures Production; Universal.
Actress in a Leading Role. Sissy Spacek in Missing, Universal Pictures/Polygram Pictures Presentation of an Edward Lewis Production; Universal. (USA, Mexico)
Actress in a Leading Role. Sissy Spacek in The River, Universal Pictures Production; Universal.
Actress in a Leading Role. Sissy Spacek in Crimes of the Heart, Crimes of the Heart Production; Dino De Laurentiis Entertainment Group.
Actress in a Leading Role. Sissy Spacek in In the Bedroom, Good Machine/GreeneStreet Production; Miramax Films.

6 Nominations