David Lynch

David Keith Lynch
David L.
David Linchevatelis
January 20, 1946
Missoula, Montana
79 years and 70 days
5’ 10” (1.78 m)
Internet Movie Database (IMDb)

Academy Award Nominations (Winner marker =  winner  ):
Directing. The Elephant Man, Brooksfilms Limited Production; Paramount. (USA, UK) David Lynch.
Writing (Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium). The Elephant Man, Brooksfilms Limited Production; Paramount. (USA, UK) Christopher DeVore, Eric Bergren and David Lynch.
Directing. Blue Velvet, Blue Velvet S.A. Production; Dino De Laurentiis Entertainment Group. David Lynch.
Directing. Mulholland Drive, Les Films Alain Sarde/Asymmetrical Production; Universal and StudioCanal. (France, USA) David Lynch.
Winner markerHonorary Award. David Lynch [Statuette]

5 Nominations