Kathy Bates

Kathleen Doyle Bates
Bobo Bates
Katherine Bates
Kathy D. Bates
June 28, 1948
Memphis, Tennessee
76 years and 276 days
5’ 3” (1.6 m)
Internet Movie Database (IMDb)

Academy Award Nominations (Winner marker =  winner  ):
Winner markerActress in a Leading Role. Kathy Bates in Misery, Castle Rock Entertainment Production; Columbia.
Actress in a Supporting Role. Kathy Bates in Primary Colors, Universal Pictures Production; Universal and Mutual Film Company. (UK, France, Germany, Japan, USA)
Actress in a Supporting Role. Kathy Bates in About Schmidt, Michael Besman/Harry Gittes Production; New Line.
Actress in a Supporting Role. Kathy Bates in Richard Jewell, A Malpaso Production; Warner Bros.

4 Nominations