Gary A. Rizzo

Garry Rizzo
Garry A. Rizzo
Gary Rizzo
Gary A. Rizzo CAS
January 31, 1972
New Jersey
52 years and 136 days
Internet Movie Database (IMDb)

Academy Award Nominations (Winner marker =  winner  ):
Sound Mixing. The Incredibles, Pixar Animation Studios Production; Buena Vista. Randy Thom, Gary A. Rizzo and Doc Kane.
Sound Mixing. The Dark Knight, Cape Road Limited Production; Warner Bros. (USA, UK) Lora Hirschberg, Gary A. Rizzo and Ed Novick.
Winner markerSound Mixing. Inception, Warner Bros. UK Services Production; Warner Bros. (USA, UK) Lora Hirschberg, Gary A. Rizzo and Ed Novick.
Sound Mixing. Interstellar, a Warner Bros. Pictures Production; Paramount. (USA, UK, Canada) Gary A. Rizzo, Gregg Landaker and Mark Weingarten.
Winner markerSound Mixing. Dunkirk, A Syncopy Pictures Production; Warner Bros. (UK, Netherlands, France, USA) Mark Weingarten, Gregg Landaker and Gary A. Rizzo.
Sound. Oppenheimer. (USA, UK) Willie Burton, Richard King, Gary A. Rizzo and Kevin O’Connell.

6 Nominations