Best Actor/Actress nominees (#1)
(Clockwise from upper left)
Humphrey Bogart
The Caine Mutiny
Dorothy Dandridge
Carmen Jones
Marlon Brando
On the Waterfront
Judy Garland
A Star Is Born
Bing Crosby
The Country Girl
Audrey Hepburn
James Mason
A Star Is Born
Grace Kelly
The Country Girl
Dan O’Herlihy
Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
Jane Wyman
Magnificent Obsession
Center: Bob Hope (Host)
Best Actor/Actress nominees (#1)
(Clockwise from upper left)
Humphrey Bogart
The Caine Mutiny
Dorothy Dandridge
Carmen Jones
Marlon Brando
On the Waterfront
Judy Garland
A Star Is Born
Bing Crosby
The Country Girl
Audrey Hepburn
James Mason
A Star Is Born
Grace Kelly
The Country Girl
Dan O’Herlihy
Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
Jane Wyman
Magnificent Obsession
Center: Bob Hope (Host)